We nourish your passion. We support your dream.
Marcel Rasinger, CEO

Born in Austria, mother is Japanese. He spent his childhood in Japan and graduated in international business administration from the University of Vienna. After working in the import business of Japanese products, he moved to Japan in 2011 as Head of Technology Affairs at Advantage Austria Tokyo (the Austrian Embassy - Commercial Section in Tokyo).
After eight years of strategic planning and support for Austrian companies entering the Japanese market, as well as consultancy in the fields of technology, sustainability and innovation, he founded genten LLC in 2019. Since 2016 he is deeply involved in the Japanese open innovation ecosystem and has been involved in projects with several international innovation studios to match talented overseas startups with large Japanese companies to enter the Japanese market both as Program Director and Senior Innovation Manager.
His asset is a broad industry network of Austrian, German and EU-based companies and startups and a strong connection to European chambers to keep on improving the relation ship between Japan and Europe and acting as a bridge between those two worlds.
Fluent in Japanese, German and English.
Masako Hino, General Manager

From 1995, she was involved in the research and development of analytical technology and solar cells at the New Material Laboratory of Sanyo Electric Co. Later engaged in technical planning for various battery R&D projects at the Battery Research Laboratory of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. After working as a technical writer and at a non-profit organisation, she moved to the USA in 2008.
After receiving a degree from Texas Tech University, she worked in research and development of organic solvents for oil drilling sites at Baker Hughes, a petroleum services company, while completing a degree in industrial chemistry at the University of Houston. After working as a technical analyst at Toshiba Mitsubishi Electric Industrial Systems Corporation and as a research scientist at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (USA), where she was in charge of open innovation, she returned to Japan in 2018.
As an invited researcher at the Nano-Life Research Institute, Waseda University, she and her superior at Panasonic launched TequM Inc., a venture company applying battery life determination technology using the impedance method.
Her fields of expertise are industrial chemistry and thermal analysis and her technical areas include materials science, various battery technologies, the energy sector and IoT.
Her asset is a broad personal network both in Japan and the US which she has built up during her carrier.
She is fluent in Japanese and English (with a charming Texan accent) especially in technical terms and has a talent in creative work.